Readings for next week are now posted. Although the readings are not ordered, the order listed is probably the best one. Make sure your respond with your comments by 9/25 at noon. A few " goodies " follow: a humorous cartoon about curve fitting, and an example of boosting. The following example of boosting is taken from here . I've removed the code and some of the math below to make it easier to follow. 1. Start with some data. We use the normal distribution. 2. Fit an initial model. Here we fit a line. You could view this as an intercept-only line or a line with a slope of zero. In either case, it's not hard to see that the residuals are balanced above and below the line, which is what line fitting is supposed to do. 3. Fit a model on the residuals from step 2 (step 2 residuals). This time we use a decision stump , which is a decision tree with one branch point. This is the stump we fit: As you can see, any x (the horizontal axis) less than...